"Faça Amor, Não Faça Guerra e Escuta Esse Rock" is an EP with 5 tracks that brings together the singles released in recent years by the trio. The cover was designed by Paulinho Tsherniak inspired by one of the photos taken by Zé Carlos de Andrade produced for the release of the song Set Fire. The tracks Escuta Esse Rock, Set Fire, Missed The Train, Vento e Chuvarada and Pé na Estrada, which were recorded at different times, had mastering and post-production done in 2022 by James Liberato and Juliano Rosa at Bem Te Vi studio in Porto Alegre-RS.
"The definition of a power trio taps into rock's sacred triad: guitar, bass and drums, from the Jimi Hendrix Experience to Rush, from Paralamas to Pata de Elefante, power trios bequeath a sense of mobility and self-sufficiency. Overtones found in the Hard Blues Trio, a group from Rio Grande do Sul that renews its letter of intent in the EP “Faça Amor, Não Faça Guerra e Escuta Esse Rock”. The work does not seek cohesion, it is the opposite of that — the Hard Blues Trio proposes a Babel of things. The songs bring the firepower of rock and roll, a manifestation enhanced by the burning flame of the blues, in addition to other colors. Aside from “Pé na Estrada”, already known for the eponymous debut album, this EP brings together the singles released so far — “Escuta Esse Rock”, “Vento e Chuvarada”, “Missed the Train” and “Set Fire”.
In times when streaming deprives the listener of the physical experience — Dani, Juliano and Alexandre give us a spearhead, a flag. Press play, but be careful: when listening to this rock, the fire of existence will be able to find the lost train of memory. And if wind and rain comes ahead, don't hesitate, go ahead, jump off the tracks straight to the nearest Highway. Don't be afraid, keep that foot on the road - your trip can be much more pleasant in the good company of the Hard Blues Trio."
(Marcio Grings)
Get your CD Faça Amor, Não Faça Guerra e Escuta Esse Rock by sending a message on our website contact form or through any @hardbluestrio channel on social media.
The CD can also be purchased at Stones Planet Records stores e Manto Musical , which also has the Kit with CD and T-shirt .
Do you already have the CD and would you like to have the shirt?
No problem! On the Manto Musical website you can find the shirt with the cover and several other Hard Blues Trio prints.
Buy here .
All tracks by Hard Blues Trio.
1-Listen to Esse Rock: recorded in June/2020 at Studio Brothers, mixed and mastered at Arco Music Studio. Produced by Luciano Leães.
2-Set Fire: recorded in August/2021 at Studio Rock in partnership with Arco Music Studio. Production by Luciano Leães and Paulo Arcari.
3-Missed The Train and 4-Vento e Chuvarada: recorded in August/2019 at Studio Rock in partnership with Arco Music Studio. Production by Luciano Leães and Paulo Arcari.
5-Pé Na Estrada: recorded in March/2017 at Audiofarm Recording Studios. Produced by Mateus "Lucky" Borges.